Adults (18 and over) wishing to register for a library card at the Hartford Public Library must meet the following:
Shows proof of identity. (With a valid photo ID)
Shows proof of Hartford residency (a piece of official mail within the last 30 days, utility bill, power bill, mortgage statement, etc.)
Has no outstanding fees at any other library
Completes and signs a registration card-accepting responsibility for all items checked out on the card and for any charges for overdue, damaged, or lost items
For children under the age of 18, the following must be met to get a library card at the Hartford Public Library:
The parent/legal guardian must have a valid Hartford library card with no outstanding obligations to any library
The parent/legal guardian must provide a signature on the registration form
The registration form must be completed with both the child and adult present in the library
The child must sign(write) his/her name on the registration form
Library cards for Hartford residents are valid for three years.