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Available 24 hours a day!

For any questions, please contact the library.




Electronic Books and Audiobooks


CloudLibrary has e-books and e-audiobooks for all ages. Access with your Hartford Library Card. Click the "learn more" button for instructions on how to download the CloudLibrary app to your smart phone or device.

We're the Illinois Heartland Library System.

SHARE Mobile Library

SHARE Catalog


See what the library has on the shelves and make requests.


Library card # and PIN are needed. Your PIN is defaulted to the last 4 of the phone number you provided.


What is Explore More Illinois?


Explore More Illinois is a free service provided by your library that provides instant online access to free and discounted tickets to museums, science centers, sporting events, zoos, park districts, theatres, and other fun and local cultural venues.


How do I get a pass?


Log in with your library card credentials and browse for passes by date or attractions. If you do not know your PIN or password, or if you have problems logging into Explore More Illinois, please contact your home library. Make your reservation and print or download your pass shortly before your visit. You can have three active reservations per library card. Please cancel your reservation(s) if unable to attend, otherwise the reservation will count as being used. Remember that once you print or download your pass you cannot cancel your reservation.


With more than 4,000 interactive books, educational games, puzzles, and other learning activities,’s award-winning online curriculum is the most comprehensive online educational resource for young learners (ages 2–7+). From Age of Learning, Inc. Free for use in our library.


Our computers in our children's area also feature websites for Disney, Nickelodeon, PBS Kids, Cool Math Games and Prodigy!



The Talking Book and Braille Service (TBBS) provides audio and braille library service via mail or digital download to any Illinois resident who is unable to read standard print material due to a permanent or temporary visual or physical disability.


As the Regional Library, TBBS acts as the liaison to the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) and circulates books to all residents enrolled in the Talking Book and Braille Service.

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